IN = [int(x) for x in input().replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',')] times = [] for a in range(6): for b in range(6): for c in range(6): for d in range(6): for e in range(6): for f in range(6): if a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and a != f and b != c and b != d and b != e and b != f and c != d and c != e and c != f and d != e and d != f and e != f: times.append([IN[a] * 10 + IN[b], IN[c] * 10 + IN[d], IN[e] * 10 + IN[f]]) res = [-1, -1, -1] for each in times: hour = each[0] m = each[1] s = each[2] if hour < 24 and m < 60 and s < 60: if hour > res[0]: res[0] = hour res[1] = m res[2] = s elif hour == res[0] and m > res[1]: res[0] = hour res[1] = m res[2] = s elif hour == res[0] and m == res[1] and s > res[2]: res[0] = hour res[1] = m res[2] = s if sum(res) == -3: print("invalid") else: print(str(res[0]).zfill(2) + ':' + str(res[1]).zfill(2) + ':' + str(res[2]).zfill(2))